Wednesday, November 24, 2010

December Band Orchestra and Chorus Concert

Our annual band, orchestra and chorus concert is December 9, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the Longfellow Auditorium.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Thank you PTO!

The opera has come and gone, and what a great day it was! A huge thank you to the PTO for sponsoring this event for the past 6 years. The students enjoyed the opera and thought it was the best ever. A big thank you to the teachers and Ms. Dolezal who allowed their students to dress as pirates, it made the day a very special.

Opera for the Young has enjoyed coming to Longfellow the past few years, they always compliment us on how well we sing.

Here are a few student comments:
"I loved this opera and I hope you come back!" S. Grade 3
"I always thought opera was boring, but now I see it is exciting." D. Grade 3
"I loved the singing, because you're talented and good." Annon. Grade 5
"I liked the clothes and props you used." H. Grade 5
"I really liked Frederic and the part when the Major General was sad" D. Grade 2
"I loved the performance and the acting was very nice." E. Grade 2
"I liked when Fredric found out he was five." It was a very cool play. A. Grade 4
"I liked the song about the weather, and the part about 'how stealthily the pirate creeps'" Annon Grade 4

A huge BRAVO, to Longfellow staff and students!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The Opera is coming. . .

Once again the Longfellow PTO is funding Opera for the Young to come to Longfellow Elementary. This year our opera is Pirates of Penzance by Gilbert and Sullivan. The students are enjoying learning the story and singing the songs for this opera. Our performance will be on October 27, at 9:00 am in our gymnasium, complete with 4 principal singers, a pianist, student performers, costumes and an enthusiastic audience. Once again, thank you Longfellow PTO, this is our 6th opera here at Longfellow!

Fall Conferences

Parents, if you ever want to contact me, please do so through my district email account: I will also be at Longfellow until 7:00 on Thursday, October 21, please feel free to stop by the music room at any time.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

District Choral Festival 2010

Go My Son

Here is a link for the signing featuring Ms. Duckett-Edwards from Whittier.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Longfellow Arts Fiestas 2010

Longfellow Arts Fiestas 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010 Second Grades at 6:30
Third Grades at 7:15

Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Fourth Grades at 6:30
Fifth Grades at 7:15

April 30, 2010 Kindergarten and First Grades in the afternoon, times to be announced.